We got the keys to our new house today!
Our next job is to get all the floor plans drawn out. We need to know which walls to keep and which are false walls that can be removed. The house is divided into dingy bedsits right now and we want a simple home with bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. Simple is our goal. We need and want to do as little as possible. One of the very favourite apartments we rented was one in Copenhagen. It had a first floor sitting room knocked through with the kitchen and dining area. It was filled with warm sunshine all day. Although it was small and nothing special had been done to it, it felt so homely, snug and bright. Instead of wasting this gorgeous sunshine on a bedroom we will only go into at night, we want our kitchen and sitting room to have this cosy warm golden light. Our first idea.
We have been pinning on Pinterest and imagining how it might look. We are so lucky to have some lovely big windows, we hope that with some white paint and a simple white kitchen, the sunshine will do the rest.